Michael-Oppermann posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
I would test my installation with the ITS Cooperative Demo Application but I can’t find it in the iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0.zip. Where can I download this Application?
Hello Michael,
The app is now added to the source code.
Now the libraries folder and the rest of the code is separated so you do not have to download the libraries again which is quite large.
Thank you for using iTETRIS.
Hello Julen,
thank you for your answers. I tried to start the ITS Cooperative Demo Application (iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml) and get an error. The app is not able to connect the NS3 on port 1982.
The error causes probably by a previous error on step 2 – setup phase.
iCS –> SUMO launched.
iCS –> ns-3 launched.
main-inci5: error while loading shared libraries: libns3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sh: demoapp: not found
Loading configuration… done.
iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
iCS –> Connected to SUMO
iCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 1 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 2 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 3 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 4 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 5 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 6 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 7 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 8 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 9 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Could not connect to Ns-3
I tried to start the NS3 before the ITS Cooperative Demo Application with the main-inci5 app in the NS3 scratch folder and get an error during the start of the app (./waf –run scratch/main-inci5):
No port or log file for ns-3 server introduced.
Format is: main-inci3 [port-number] [fileGeneralParameters] [fileConfTechnologies] OPTIONAL [log-path]
Is it nessessary to start the NS3 before Demo Application or start the Demo Application the NS3 automaticly (like the SUMO)?
I found the ”communicationsim” tag in the itetris-config-file.xml and I noticed the ”communication-general-params-file” tag.
”communication-executable value=”main-inci5”/”
”communication-host value=”localhost”/”
”communication-port value=”1982”/”
”communication-general-params-file value=”./ns-3_files/configGeneral.xml”/”
”communication-config-technologies-file value=”./ns-3_files/configTechnologies-ics.xml”/”
I replaced the brackets of the tags with ” because of your forum-editor hide all xml-tags
I have no configGeneral.xml in my ns-3_files folder!
Hey Michael,
I had the same error at first, although the libns3.so was in /usr/local/lib. However, a symbolic link in the /usr/lib folder pointing at the libns3.so helped to eliminate this error. I suppose the demo application just searches the /usr/lib – folder.
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libns3.so libns3.so
For the remaining errors I suppose, that some configuration files (the ones described in the documentation) are still missing.
Julen, please correct me, if I’m wrong here