Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
As expected, the workaround for the sumo xerces-libs crashed during runtime. However, I found the solution for the problem. The sumo Makefile has the following entries after the ./configure command specified in the iTetris guidline:
XERCES_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include
XERCES_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c
Sumo couldn’t find the correct path for the libxerces, since it apparently wanted it specified in the XERCES_LDFLAGS. This can be achieved by changing the configure command to the following:
./configure –with-fox-includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 –with-gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal –with-proj-libraries=/usr –with-gdal-libraries=/usr –with-proj-gdal –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c”
Hello again Lukas… this look likes a related question to SUMO rather than iCS. Anyway thanks for the workaround, we will include it in the guidelines so future users can take advantage of your work. Thank you very very much.