Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Bug reports: 13 years, 9 months ago · View
Hi members,
I want to install ITETRIS, so I installed Sumo and NS3, after that I Installed ICS, all works well: configure, make and install, but after that when I try to patch ns3 it shows lot of fails and when I try to do ./waf install it fails.
any help is appreciated
Hi Hammi,
First you need to make sure that you are applying the patch with an admin privileges. you can try ”sudo”, I, myself, would rather use ”su”
then you have to apply the patch in the following folder:
Good Luck..
the folder is:
first thanks for your replay,
for the errors, they are generated following the patch of ns-3.7.1 and yes I’m interested by your documentation, I use ubuntu 10.10 can you send me your guide to try installing ITETRIS following it advices??
thanks a lot and have a good one
Hi Hanno, I allowed my self sending you this message on an old reply because I’m really cornered, and there is no ”lot of help” although you were the only who helped me to get solutions for my problems, so I want to know how can I implement my own network stack ”ns-3 level”, is there any support ”documentations or rules” for the use of the different tags that we can use in the different configuration files??? ”ConfWaveVehicle.xml” for exemple.
I hope get a reply and thanks a lot.
have a good one
hi hanno,
first thanks a lot for you’re reply, and for my problem I want to know the tags that I can use and how, for the stacks ”from what I read” yes we can use our stack but it needs to be programmed first.
thanks again and have a good one