Hammi-Badis posted an update: 13 years, 8 months ago · View
HI guys:
sorry for the delay I was in travel,
so what do I must do to install it because I use ns3.10, must I use ns3.7,
other question; in the manual they demand to execute WAF with debug option ”./waf -d debug configure” and ”./waf install” after that but they don’t say in which directory, if it’s the ns-3 directory it will do anything without patch because it will be ns-3 building normally.
if there is any advices or other tutorials for how to install ITETRIS i’ll be really thankfull.
thanks and have a good one, I wish get a fast reply .
Hello Hammi,
using ns3.7 is a must.
here’s a quick tutorial of what you need to do:(remember using root user privileges)
1) build ns3.7
– you may use the python script ./build.py in the main folder of ns-3 (typically named ns-allinone-3.7)
– or you may use waf commands you mentioned in ur post inside the folder(ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/ )
2) patch the installed ns: (inside the same folder where you could use ”waf”).
3) rebuild ns3: but this time USING waf commands.
Good Luck..
Note: if you want to uninstall your ns3.10, I think you can use ./waf uninstall
thanks a lot for your reply but I did exactly what like you said but when I try to build ns-3 after the patch, it shows errors ”below”
other question, please can you tell me how can I know that I installed well my ITETRIS,
Build failed
-> task failed (err #1):
{task: cxx c2c-list-routing.cc -> c2c-list-routing_1.o}
-> task failed (err #1):
{task: cxx olsr-routing-protocol.cc -> olsr-routing-protocol_1.o}
thanks a lot and have a good one
Hello again,
the errors ns-3 is facing are probably due to C++ compiler version, try the following commands:
CXX=”g++-4.4” ./waf -d debug configure
CXX=”g++-4.4” ./waf install
As for how would you know if you had well installed your iTETRIS, you may try to build the demo app provided with the platform. You will face some problems, however most of them have been covered within this community.
Good Luck,
Hi mouhamed,
first thanks for your help,
before trying what you suggest me to do i’ll send you the errors that I get when I try to do the patch ”the last lines of the output”:
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
4 out of 4 hunks ignored — saving rejects to file src/routing/olsr/olsr-routing-protocol.cc.rej
patching file src/routing/olsr/olsr-routing-protocol.h
patching file src/test/ns3tcp/ns3tcp-socket-test-suite.cc
patching file src/test/ns3tcp/wscript
patching file src/wscript
patching file utils/check-style.py
patching file utils/utils.h
patching file VERSION
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED — saving rejects to file VERSION.rej
patching file waf-tools/shellcmd.py
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored — saving rejects to file waf-tools/shellcmd.py.rej
patching file wscript
patching file wutils.py
thank you a lot and have a good one.
Honestly, I don’t know if I can get you out of this. But I did face such problems before and a fresh installation worked out for me pretty well..
I tried it lot of times but without success.
thanks for your help