Xiaoyan-Hong posted an update in the group Setup Support: 13 years, 1 month ago · View
when I using the following command:
sudo patch -p1 -i ~/ITS/iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch
get an error! as follows:
wyohong@wyohong:~$ sudo patch -p1 -i ~/ITS/iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch
can’t find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or –strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -rupN ns-3.7/bindings/python/apidefs/gcc-ILP32/callbacks_list.py ns-3/bindings/python/apidefs/gcc-ILP32/callbacks_list.py
|— ns-3.7/bindings/python/apidefs/gcc-ILP32/callbacks_list.py 2011-01-28 18:27:55.584845932 +0100
|+++ ns-3/bindings/python/apidefs/gcc-ILP32/callbacks_list.py 2010-05-18 23:18:53.656523000 +0200
File to patch:
Hi Xiaoyan, did you change the directory to yourns3path/ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7 and then run ”patch -p1 -i /pathtopatch/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch” ? It seems that you patched in your home directory. -Ke