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Setup Support

Public Group active 6 years, 1 month ago

This group gathers all the discussions for issues that may occur during the installation of the iTETRIS platform.

No connection to ns3 (7 posts)

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  • Avatar Image Steffen Eckel said 9 years, 12 months ago:


    I tried to install iCS by myself now on Ubuntu 12.04. However, I am still not able to run an application. iCS, ns 3.18 and sumo 0.22 have been installed succesfully. After installation I tried to run an application with the following command: iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml

    I receive the following Output:

    Loading configuration… done.
    sumo: Kein Prozess gefunden
    main-inci5: Kein Prozess gefunden
    java: Kein Prozess gefunden

    iCS –> SUMO launched.
    iCS –> ns-3 launched.
    iCS –> Error occurred here e

    sh: 1: main-inci5: not found
    Loading configuration… done.
    ITS DEMO APP –> Starting iTETRIS ITS Cooperative Demo Application
    ITS DEMO APP –> Server listening on port: 1985
    tcpip::Socket::accept() Unable to create listening socket: Address already in use
    Error: Socket exception: tcpip::Socket::receive() @ recv: Bad file descriptor

    iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
    iCS –> Connected to SUMO

    iCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 1 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 2 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 3 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 4 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 5 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 6 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 7 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 8 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 9 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Could not connect to Ns-3

    I think the connection to ns3 is not possible because main-inci5, which is referenced in the itetris-configuration-file.xml (communication-executable value=”main-inci5″), is not found. I can’t find main-inci5 on my filesystem either. I followed the complete guideline but cannot find the cause of this error.

    Could somebody please tell me what is going wrong? Thanks in advance!

  • Avatar Image Pedro Oscar Perez Murueta said 9 years, 11 months ago:

    I have the same problem. iCS cannot connect with ns3 and sumo.

  • Avatar Image Muntaser said 9 years, 11 months ago:

    I have the same problem. iCS cannot connect with ns3 and sumo.

  • Avatar Image Shipra Swati said 9 years, 10 months ago:

    I am also struggling with same problem.. no clues.. :(

  • Avatar Image Robert Lehmann said 9 years, 8 months ago:

    Got almost the same error! Tried to recompile ns-3. However:

    training@ubuntu:~/iTetris/demos/community-lteDemo/example$ sudo iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml
    [sudo] password for training:
    Loading configuration… done.
    sumo: no process found
    main-inci5: no process found
    java: no process found

    iCS –> SUMO launched.
    iCS –> ns-3 launched.
    iCS –> Error occurred here e

    ITS DEMO APP –> Starting iTETRIS ITS Cooperative Demo Application
    ITS DEMO APP –> Server listening on port: 1986

    iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
    iCS –> No connection to SUMO; waiting…tcpip::Socket::connect() @ connect: Connection refused
    Loading configuration… done.
    Illegal instruction (core dumped)
    iCS –> Trying 1 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
    .. Command acknowledged (219), [description: ]
    iCS –> Connected to SUMO

    iCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 1 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 2 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 3 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 4 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 5 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 6 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 7 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 8 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Trying 9 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
    iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
    iCS –> Could not connect to Ns-3

    .. Command acknowledged (127), [description: ]

    Step1 already has an error?!
    Step3 is completely unclear to me
    - Illegal instruction (core dumped) –> that message appears to be related to ns-3

    Is there anything left that needs to be taken care of? Something missing in the tutorial? I am completely stuck here.

    p.s.: this main-inci5 thing is already crashing at system start?

  • Avatar Image Danyang Tian said 9 years, 6 months ago:

    Same here. After running the demo so many times, found it turns out that the demo shows results only defined by SUMO instead of the expected results which combining SUMO with ns-3…

  • Avatar Image mohammad said 9 years, 3 months ago:

    I would recommend to use the VM version, follow exact configurations for building both NS3 and application, try to write them manually, do not copy paste the ./configure stuff.