John @john ?

active 13 years ago
  • John posted a new activity comment:   13 years ago · View

    I am unable to locate demoapp. what step needed to get demoapp and where it wii generate it??

    Kindly help for this.


    In reply to - John posted an update in the group Setup Support: which version of ns3 is need for applying patch??? I patch ns-3.10 and getting error !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · View
  • John posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years ago · View

    which version of ns3 is need for applying patch???
    I patch ns-3.10 and getting error !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      John · 13 years ago

      I am unable to locate demoapp. what step needed to get demoapp and where it wii generate it??

      Kindly help for this.


  • John joined the group Setup Support   13 years ago · View