Ke Xu posted an update in the group iTetris Custom Application Development: 12 years, 7 months ago · View
First thank the developers for providing version 0.2.0 and this time the app can be run without any error.
After reading guideline0.2.0 and running the demo app, I am still struggling to figure out how to modify the demo app. For example, the easiest test is to change the advised speed sending from RSU to vehicles. I can’t find where this value is set(or generated) at the very beginning, even if I know it is saved in ResultContainer and can find the info in the log file.
I just wonder if there is any documentation, except the guideline, which teaches users and gives examples of how to modify and write your own app on iTETRIS. Do you guys have any similar experience? I appreciate it if someone could share any helpful hints and suggestions.
Ke -
The current iTetris(0.2.0) is only compatible with ns-3.7.
In reply to - Adyson Magalhães Maia posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hi, iTetris is compatible witch Ubuntu 12.04, ns-3.13 and sumo-0.15.0 ? · View -
Hi Xiaoyan, did you change the directory to yourns3path/ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7 and then run ”patch -p1 -i /pathtopatch/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch” ? It seems that you patched in your home directory. -Ke
In reply to - Xiaoyan-Hong posted an update in the group Setup Support : when I using the following command: sudo patch -p1 -i ~/ITS/iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch get an error! as follows: wyohong@wyohong:~$ sudo patch -p1 -i ~/ITS/iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0/iTETRIS-ns3_0.1.1.patch can’t find file to patch at input line 4 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or –strip option? The text leading up to this was: ————————– [...] · View -
Ke Xu joined the group Bug reports 12 years, 10 months ago · View
Ke Xu joined the group iTetris Custom Application Development 12 years, 10 months ago · View
Hi Adyson, I think Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 is fine, other version haven’t been tried. ns-3.7 is a must. I used sumo-0.15 but stuck on the demo app. Then switch to sumo-0.12.3 the demo goes futher but still has some errors. -Ke
In reply to - Adyson Magalhães Maia posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hi, iTetris is compatible witch Ubuntu 12.04, ns-3.13 and sumo-0.15.0 ? · View -
Hi Sherin, I am using ubuntu 10.10 + sumo 0.12.3 and encountered the exactly same error as yours. Then I tried Muhammad-Arafat’s solution (http://www.ict-itetris.eu/10-10-10-community/members/muhammad-arafat/activity/144/), but still did not work. Do you have any progress? Thanks, Ke
In reply to - Sherin Abdel Hamid posted an update: Hello, I’m trying to run the demo but I got this error ********************** SETUP PHASE ENDS HERE. iCS –> Global simulation timestep is: 0; last step is: 3000 ============================================================ STEP 5 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 STEP 6 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 Step #0.00Warning: period [...] · View -
Ke Xu joined the group Setup Support 12 years, 10 months ago · View
Maybe you can see code in file folder” applications_manager”.
I am trying to customize itetris example.
For example to change the advised speed sending from RSU to vehicles, you will find it in community-demo-app/src/application-logic.cpp
ApplicationLogic::SendBackExecutionResults(int senderId, int timestep)
vector results;
if (timestep >= m_appStartTimeStep && senderId == 5000) {
// Loop vehicles in the area, one message per vehicle
for (vector::const_iterator it = m_vehiclesInArea.begin() ; it != m_vehiclesInArea.end() ; it++) {
AppMessage message;
message.messageId = ++m_messageCounter;
message.status = kToBeScheduled;
message.senderId = senderId;
message.destinationId = (*it).id;
message.createdTimeStep = timestep;
//message.payloadValue = (*it).speed + 10;
message.payloadValue = 0; //here you can change the advised speed
// Keep in safe place all the results to send back to the iCS
results = m_messages;
// Loop current messages to find those to be applied and erase from the result record
for (vector::iterator it = m_messages.begin() ; it != m_messages.end() ; it++) {
if ((*it).status == kToBeApplied) {
m_messages.erase(it); // The value will be applied so there is no need to have it registered any longer
return results;
message.payloadValue = 0; //here you can change the advised speed