Luigi Picari @lpicari ?

active 10 years, 5 months ago
  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 3 months ago · View

    when I read about how Itetris wwork I saw that for making an application ”I want to make communication between vehicles a simple echo application” I must do an application module but I don’t know how to do it, so any advices or documentation is appreciated.
    thank you and have good one

  • Josef-Jiru joined the group Bug reports   13 years, 3 months ago · View

  • Josef-Jiru joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 3 months ago · View

  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Bug reports:   13 years, 4 months ago · View

    Hi members,
    I want to install ITETRIS, so I installed Sumo and NS3, after that I Installed ICS, all works well: configure, make and install, but after that when I try to patch ns3 it shows lot of fails and when I try to do ./waf install it fails.
    any help is appreciated

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      Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 4 months ago

      Hi Hammi,

      First you need to make sure that you are applying the patch with an admin privileges. you can try ”sudo”, I, myself, would rather use ”su”

      then you have to apply the patch in the following folder:

      Good Luck..

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        Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 4 months ago

        the folder is:

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      Hammi-Badis · 13 years, 3 months ago

      first thanks for your replay,
      for the errors, they are generated following the patch of ns-3.7.1 and yes I’m interested by your documentation, I use ubuntu 10.10 can you send me your guide to try installing ITETRIS following it advices??
      thanks a lot and have a good one

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      Hammi-Badis · 13 years, 2 months ago

      Hi Hanno, I allowed my self sending you this message on an old reply because I’m really cornered, and there is no ”lot of help” although you were the only who helped me to get solutions for my problems, so I want to know how can I implement my own network stack ”ns-3 level”, is there any support ”documentations or rules” for the use of the different tags that we can use in the different configuration files??? ”ConfWaveVehicle.xml” for exemple.
      I hope get a reply and thanks a lot.
      have a good one

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      Hammi-Badis · 13 years, 2 months ago

      hi hanno,
      first thanks a lot for you’re reply, and for my problem I want to know the tags that I can use and how, for the stacks ”from what I read” yes we can use our stack but it needs to be programmed first.
      thanks again and have a good one

  • Hammi-Badis joined the group Bug reports   13 years, 4 months ago · View

  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 4 months ago · View

    Hi members,
    I want to install ITETRIS, so I installed Sumo and NS3, after that I Installed ICS, all works well: configure, make and install, but after that when I try to patch ns3 it shows lot of fails and when I try to do ./waf install it fails.
    any help is appreciated

  • Hammi-Badis joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 4 months ago · View

  • Dennis-Sluijsmans posted on the forum topic [facilities] ERROR: The loaded map does not contain any lane! in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 5 months ago · View

    For those facing the same problem, the error is due a wrong (sumo net) map file in the facilities-config-file.xml.

  • Henry-Hsu joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 5 months ago · View

  • Muhammad-Arafat posted an update in the group Bug reports:   13 years, 5 months ago · View

    I’ve been trying to use the subscription ”SUB_RECEIVED_CAM_INFO”, but I keep getting this error message:

    Error: Invalid argument: Storage::readChar(): invalid position
    iCS –> #Error while receiving response from Application: tcpip::Socket::receive() @ recv: Success

    I added some similar code to Server::LookForNewSubscriptions:

    Server::LookForNewSubscriptions() {
    int timestep = myInputStorage.readInt();
    int nodeId = myInputStorage.readInt();

    // create reply message

    if (!ApplicationLogic::m_camAreaIsSet) {
    Area area = ApplicationLogic::GetCamArea();
    SubsSetCamArea(myOutputStorage, nodeId, timestep, area);
    } else if (!ApplicationLogic::m_returnCarAreaIsSet) {
    Area area = ApplicationLogic::GetReturningCarArea();
    SubsReturnCarsInZone(myOutputStorage, nodeId, timestep, area);
    } else if (!ApplicationLogic::m_returnCamMessagesInfoIsSet) {
    bool flag = ApplicationLogic::SetCamInfoFlagToTrue();
    SubsReceivedCamInfo(myOutputStorage, nodeId, timestep);
    } else if (ApplicationLogic::m_camAreaIsSet && ApplicationLogic::m_returnCarAreaIsSet && ApplicationLogic::m_returnCamMessagesInfoIsSet) {
    StopAskingForSubscription(myOutputStorage, nodeId, timestep);

    return true;

    and here’s the function that forms the second primitive of the reply:

    Server::SubsReceivedCamInfo(Storage& myOutputStorage, int nodeId, int timestep) {
    // command length
    myOutputStorage.writeUnsignedByte(1 + 1 + 1);
    // command type
    // subscription type

    return true;

    I can’t see where I went wrong.. I even checked how iCS receives this primitive, and it was just three unsigned bytes.

    please help me,

    Kind Regards,

  • Muhammad-Arafat joined the group Bug reports   13 years, 5 months ago · View

  • Muhammad-Arafat started the forum topic A question about SUMO in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View


    Could you please help me finding an answer for the following:
    “Can SUMO outputs the emissions & fuel consumptions for a SPECIFIC vehicle on the map??”

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      Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 6 months ago

      Just found an answer.

      through the TraCi command: ”TraCI/Vehicle Value Retrieval”, we can get those info for a specific vehicle, using its id…

      please, if somebody knows better, it is more than appreciated. :)

  • Muhammad-Arafat posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View

    Dear all,

    First I would like to thank Mr. Lukas Worle for his informative contributions. Actually I encountered the same problems when running the demo app and the solutions he provided worked.
    However, I’m still stuck with the problem of ”demoapp: not found”. I did the symbolic link (ln -s itscoopdemoapp demoapp) and changed the value of the executables in the application-config-file.xml to (demoapp -c itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml) but still facing the same problem..

    Can anybody please help me??

    many thanks in advance,

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      Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 6 months ago

      I got it working. The workaround should be done in /usr/local/bin.

      Now I’m facing the same problem:

      STEP 8 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 100
      GeoRoutingProtocol: RouteOutput => geounicast
      UTILS: distance of neighbor 0 to destination = 13.1529
      UTILS: the min dist to dest = 13.1529 and is provided by node 0
      iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults()


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        Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 5 months ago


        I was able to run a ”demo” application on the environment. This ERROR: iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults() has been being produced because there is no result container class defined for ”OUTPUT_SET_SPEED_ADVICE_DEMO”, and this definition should be done in iCS side..

        Here’s what I did and I’m not sure it meant anything as an ITS Application, but it just makes sure that the environment is working..

        for other kind of errors, you can take a look at this post and the replies, they might be helpful:

        Now for the iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults(), do the following:

        in application-config-file.xml, use the following result container ”OUTPUT_SET_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED”

        in server.cpp, add before line 242 the following:
        v.speed =0;
        also in server.cpp, line 266, add ”4” before ”4 + 1 + 1” to represent the number of messages.
        also in server.cpp, line 287, 294 payload length is ”4” not ”10”

        in application-logic.cpp, uncomment line 137, and comment 138.

        now you can recompile and run iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml

        Best of Luck,

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          Mervat · 12 years, 6 months ago

          Hello Muhammad,

          I’ve tried this workaround, but it’s still giving me the same error. I even made a fresh make of the demo app, but still nothing. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

          Thanks in advance, your help on this is greatly appreciated!

  • Muhammad-Arafat joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 6 months ago · View

  • Pasquale-Cataldi joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 6 months ago · View

  • Pasquale-Cataldi posted on the forum topic [facilities] ERROR: The loaded map does not contain any lane! in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View

    Hi Dennis, I will investigate this behavior. I tested the subscription with the Pasubio-Costa joined map and I have no such problems.
    Do you still get the same error?

  • Darya-Stepanova posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 7 months ago · View

    Hi, I am going to use iTetris platform but first I’d like to ask. Is it possible to install and run iTetris from Linux emulation environment(like Cygwin)
    Thank you in advance,
    best wishes,

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      Darya-Stepanova · 13 years, 7 months ago

      Hi again,
      I’ve got an answer already, thanks.
      Here it is:
      it is true that we have not tried to use iTETRIS platform in a Linux emulation environment. Nevertheless, we think that there will not be any problem.

  • Darya-Stepanova joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 7 months ago · View

  • Ellen-Grumert joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 7 months ago · View

  • Ainara Gonzalez joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 7 months ago · View

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