Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Bug reports: 14 years ago · View
I experienced the following problem while running the iCS demo application:
iCS –> Global simulation timestep is: 99; last step is: 3000
iCS –> Global simulation timestep is: 100; last step is: 3000
GeoRoutingProtocol: RouteOutput => geounicast
UTILS: distance of neighbor 0 to destination = 13.1529
UTILS: the min dist to dest = 13.1529 and is provided by node 0
iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults()
ns-3 server –> Finishing server….Success.
Elapsed time (in seconds): 11.000000
Error: Socket exception: tcpip::Socket::receive() @ recv: Success
Step #101.00 (0ms ?*RT. ?UPS, vehicles TOT 58 ACT 42)This seems to be a problem with the demo application, since it is supposed to start at time step 100 (as defined in itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml). Are there any solutions for this problem? Maybe there is something wrong in one of the configuration files?
There is also no file ’configGeneral.xml’ like specified in the itetris-config-file. Can the configGeneral.txt be used?
Lukas -
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years ago · View
I got it working now.
Had to change the executable command in application-config-file.xml todemoapp -c itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml
and the socket value in itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml to
socket value=”1986”
In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application: I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path: ./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c” in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h: there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years ago · View
Hey Julen,
I found the missing files in /ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/scratch. After having copied them to /its_demo_app_0.1.0/example/ns-3_files, I get the following output:
Loading configuration… done.
sumo: Kein Prozess gefunden
main-inci5: Kein Prozess gefunden
java: Kein Prozess gefundenWELCOME TO iTETRIS
iCS –> SUMO launched.
iCS –> ns-3 launched.STEP 2 – SETUP PHASE
Loading configuration… done.
ITS Cooperative Demo App 0.1.0
(c) iTETRIS consortium 2008-2010; http://www.ict-itetris.eu/
(c) DLR 2001-2010; http://sumo.sf.net
Use –help to get the list of options.
Installer type=ns3::WaveVehicleInstaller name=WaveVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WaveRsuInstaller name=WaveRsu
Installer WaveRsu will be related with installer WaveVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WifiVehicleInstaller name=WifiVehicle
Installer type=ns3::UmtsBsInstaller name=UmtsBs
Installer type=ns3::DvbhVehicleInstaller name=DvbhVehicle
Installer type=ns3::DvbhBsInstaller name=DvbhBs
Installer type=ns3::UmtsVehicleInstaller name=UmtsVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WifiBsInstaller name=WifiBs
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer WifiBs
Installer type=ns3::ItetrisNetworkTransportInstaller name=NetTrans
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer NetTrans
Installer NetTrans will be installed by default in every new node
Installer type=ns3::MobilityModelInstaller name=Mobility
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer Mobility
Installer Mobility will be installed by default in every new nodeSTEP 3 – SETUP PHASE
iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
iCS –> Connected to SUMOiCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> Connected to ns-3iCS –> Trying 0 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 1 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 2 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 3 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 4 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 5 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 6 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 7 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 8 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 9 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Could not connect to the ApplicationsStep #0.00Warning: period and repno are deprecated in vehicle ’1-4’, use flows instead.
ns-3 server –> Finishing server….
iCS –> Error occurred during iCS set-up
Quitting (on error).
Elapsed time (in seconds): 3.000000In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application: I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path: ./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c” in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h: there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
Hey Michael,
I had the same error at first, although the libns3.so was in /usr/local/lib. However, a symbolic link in the /usr/lib folder pointing at the libns3.so helped to eliminate this error. I suppose the demo application just searches the /usr/lib – folder.
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libns3.so libns3.soFor the remaining errors I suppose, that some configuration files (the ones described in the documentation) are still missing.
Julen, please correct me, if I’m wrong here
LukasIn reply to - Michael-Oppermann posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hello, I would test my installation with the ITS Cooperative Demo Application but I can’t find it in the iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0.zip. Where can I download this Application? Regards Michael · View -
Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application:
I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path:
./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c”in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h:
there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one rather use the ”config.h”?When trying to execute the Demo App, demoapp is not found, because it does not exist. It is named itscoopdemoapp. ”sudo ln -s itscoopdemoapp demoapp” in /usr/local/lib does the trick.
But still, there is the following error:
Loading configuration… done.
sumo: Kein Prozess gefunden
main-inci5: Kein Prozess gefunden
java: Kein Prozess gefundenWELCOME TO iTETRIS
iCS –> SUMO launched.
iCS –> ns-3 launched.STEP 2 – SETUP PHASE
Loading configuration… done.
ITS Cooperative Demo App 0.1.0
(c) iTETRIS consortium 2008-2010; http://www.ict-itetris.eu/
(c) DLR 2001-2010; http://sumo.sf.net
Use –help to get the list of options.
Installer type=ns3::WaveVehicleInstaller name=WaveVehicle
Error at xmlReaderForFile
Segmentation faultSTEP 3 – SETUP PHASE
iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
iCS –> Connected to SUMOiCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 1 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 2 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 3 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 4 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 5 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 6 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 7 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 8 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 9 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> No connection to ns-3; waiting…
iCS –> Could not connect to Ns-3Step #0.00Warning: period and repno are deprecated in vehicle ’1-4’, use flows instead.
Hi Lukas,
The connection does not take place because there is a segmentation fault at the beginning tha prevents the start of ns-3. I will have a look at that ASAP. Probably some file is missing.
Hey Julen,
I found the missing files in /ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/scratch. After having copied them to /its_demo_app_0.1.0/example/ns-3_files, I get the following output:
Loading configuration… done.
sumo: Kein Prozess gefunden
main-inci5: Kein Prozess gefunden
java: Kein Prozess gefundenWELCOME TO iTETRIS
iCS –> SUMO launched.
iCS –> ns-3 launched.STEP 2 – SETUP PHASE
Loading configuration… done.
ITS Cooperative Demo App 0.1.0
(c) iTETRIS consortium 2008-2010; http://www.ict-itetris.eu/
(c) DLR 2001-2010; http://sumo.sf.net
Use –help to get the list of options.
Installer type=ns3::WaveVehicleInstaller name=WaveVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WaveRsuInstaller name=WaveRsu
Installer WaveRsu will be related with installer WaveVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WifiVehicleInstaller name=WifiVehicle
Installer type=ns3::UmtsBsInstaller name=UmtsBs
Installer type=ns3::DvbhVehicleInstaller name=DvbhVehicle
Installer type=ns3::DvbhBsInstaller name=DvbhBs
Installer type=ns3::UmtsVehicleInstaller name=UmtsVehicle
Installer type=ns3::WifiBsInstaller name=WifiBs
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer WifiBs
Installer type=ns3::ItetrisNetworkTransportInstaller name=NetTrans
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer NetTrans
Installer NetTrans will be installed by default in every new node
Installer type=ns3::MobilityModelInstaller name=Mobility
’file’ attribute has not been found for installer Mobility
Installer Mobility will be installed by default in every new nodeSTEP 3 – SETUP PHASE
iCS –> Trying 0 to connect SUMO on port 5500…
iCS –> Connected to SUMOiCS –> Trying 0 to connect ns-3 on port 1982 and Host localhost…
iCS –> Connected to ns-3iCS –> Trying 0 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 1 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 2 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 3 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 4 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 5 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 6 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 7 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 8 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Trying 9 to connect Application on port 1986…
iCS –> No connection to Application; waiting…
iCS –> Could not connect to the ApplicationsStep #0.00Warning: period and repno are deprecated in vehicle ’1-4’, use flows instead.
ns-3 server –> Finishing server….
iCS –> Error occurred during iCS set-up
Quitting (on error).
Elapsed time (in seconds): 3.000000I got it working now.
Had to change the executable command in application-config-file.xml todemoapp -c itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml
and the socket value in itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml to
socket value=”1986”
Thanks Lukas for the heads up. We are going to update the source soon with your comments.
Thank you!
Can you please tell me which version of SUMO are you using?
I get error with sumo, ”the tags in configuration files are deprecated”. Someone told me to install correct version of SUMO or reconfigure the files. Do you know which version of SUMO are you using.
I had the same problem and managed to get ns3 and app connected but now I get this error
Error: Answered with error to command 8 Wrong position in requestMessage after dispatching command. Expected command length was 28 but 14 Bytes were read.
.. Sent command is not implemented (8), [description: ]
iCS –> [ERROR] SetFixedStationInNs3() Error in the message to create fixed station in ns-3
iCS –> ERROR setting fixed stations in ns-3Step #0.00Warning: period and repno are deprecated in vehicle ’1-4’, use flows instead.
iCS –> #Error while receiving command: tcpip::SocketNs3::receive() @ recv: SuccessiCS –> [ERROR] CloseNs3() Finishing NS-3
iCS –> Error occurred during iCS set-up
Quitting (on error).
Elapsed time (in seconds): 3.000000
shereen@ubuntu:~/iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0/its_demo_app_0.1.0/example$ Error: The vehicle type ’dist’ for vehicle ’1-4’ is not known.
Quitting (on error).any suggestion? your help will be greatly appreciated
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Hey Julen, thank you for the previous answers. It works fine now. I managed to install the iCS and the ns3.7 with the patch. Unfortunately, I have still some problems compiling the sumo. ’configure’ works fine, but I get an error when I try to run the ’make’ [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
As expected, the workaround for the sumo xerces-libs crashed during runtime. However, I found the solution for the problem. The sumo Makefile has the following entries after the ./configure command specified in the iTetris guidline:
XERCES_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include
XERCES_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-cSumo couldn’t find the correct path for the libxerces, since it apparently wanted it specified in the XERCES_LDFLAGS. This can be achieved by changing the configure command to the following:
./configure –with-fox-includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 –with-gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal –with-proj-libraries=/usr –with-gdal-libraries=/usr –with-proj-gdal –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c”
Lukas -
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
It’s working now, but still not an optimal solution.
I’ve removed the folder /usr/local/include/xercesc during installation of sumo 0.12.2 and moved it back afterwards. Maybe this could also be solved by simply telling the compiler the correct path to the libxerces 2.8 for sumo. I didn’t manage to do this, though. Hopefully this won’t cause any problems during run-time. Does anyone else has the same problem or am I the only one?Lukas
In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Hey Julen, thank you for the previous answers. It works fine now. I managed to install the iCS and the ns3.7 with the patch. Unfortunately, I have still some problems compiling the sumo. ’configure’ works fine, but I get an error when I try to run the ’make’ [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
It seems to be a problem between the xerces-c-3.0.1 (from the iTetris installation) and the one needed for sumo (libxerces-c2-dev). I guess, sumo accesses the xerces-c-3.0.1-headers during the build process. I try to find out more on that and post a solution, if I can find one.
Have a nice weekend everyone!In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Hey Julen, thank you for the previous answers. It works fine now. I managed to install the iCS and the ns3.7 with the patch. Unfortunately, I have still some problems compiling the sumo. ’configure’ works fine, but I get an error when I try to run the ’make’ [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
Hey Julen,
thank you for the previous answers. It works fine now. I managed to install the iCS and the ns3.7 with the patch. Unfortunately, I have still some problems compiling the sumo. ’configure’ works fine, but I get an error when I try to run the ’make’ command, rather at the end, after the script entered the ../src/netgen directory. There are undefined references concerning the xerces-lib. I installed the one from the iTetris download and also the one required for the sumo-installation. Is there something else I need to consider?
LukasIt seems to be a problem between the xerces-c-3.0.1 (from the iTetris installation) and the one needed for sumo (libxerces-c2-dev). I guess, sumo accesses the xerces-c-3.0.1-headers during the build process. I try to find out more on that and post a solution, if I can find one.
Have a nice weekend everyone!It’s working now, but still not an optimal solution.
I’ve removed the folder /usr/local/include/xercesc during installation of sumo 0.12.2 and moved it back afterwards. Maybe this could also be solved by simply telling the compiler the correct path to the libxerces 2.8 for sumo. I didn’t manage to do this, though. Hopefully this won’t cause any problems during run-time. Does anyone else has the same problem or am I the only one?Lukas
Thank you Lukas for this solution. We will have into account to enhance a troubleshooting guide.
Lukas-Worle posted a new activity comment: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
I have the same problem. Any solutions?
In reply to - Michael-Oppermann posted an update in the group Setup Support : I have the same problem. ”make -f Makefile.cvs” returns the same output and the configure command returns: … config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/mapFacilities/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/mapFacilities/road/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/stationFacilities/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/messageFacilities/Makefile config.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in Is a solution or a workaround avaliable? Thanks [...] · View -
Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support: 14 years, 1 month ago · View
Unfortunately, I don’t get the iTetris installation working.
I continuously get an error while trying to run the configure-command:”config.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in’”
’make -f Makefile.cvs’ returns the following:
”libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.’.
libtoolize: copying file `./config.guess’
libtoolize: copying file `./config.sub’
libtoolize: copying file `./install-sh’
libtoolize: copying file `./ltmain.sh’
libtoolize: Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])’ to configure.ac and
libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree.
libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4’ to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am.
libtoolize: `AC_PROG_RANLIB’ is rendered obsolete by `LT_INIT’
configure.ac:10: installing `./missing’
src/Makefile.am: installing `./depcomp’”Anything else I need to consider?
Another question concerning the ns3-patch:
It seems like it works onl with ns-3.7, is that right?
I didn’t manage to apply it to my version (3.9).I would be glad, if you could help me with these problems.
Kind regards,
Lukas -
Lukas-Worle joined the group Setup Support 14 years, 1 month ago · View
Hi Lukas,
I’m stuck with the same problem, did you manage to solve it?