Saleh @saleh ?

active 8 years, 8 months ago
  • John joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 1 month ago · View

  • Konstantinos-Katsaros started the forum topic error connecting to SUMO in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 1 month ago · View

    Dear all, I would like to ask you which SUMO version is required for the iTetris Platform because I tried to run the given example with the latest version of SUMO and I got this error: WELCOME TO iTETRIS ================== STEP 1 – SETUP PHASE iCS –> SUMO launched. iCS –> ns-3 launched. STEP 2 [...]

  • Hammi-Badis started the forum topic how implmenting a network stack in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 2 months ago · View

    I want to know how can I implement my own network stack ”ns-3 level”.
    other thing; is there any support ”documentations or rules” for the use of the different tags in the different configuration files??? ”ConfWaveVehicle.xml” for example.
    I hope get a reply and thanks a lot.
    best regards

  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 2 months ago · View

    I want to know how can I implement my own network stack ”ns-3 level”, is there any support ”documentations or rules” for the use of the different tags that we can use in the different configuration files??? ”ConfWaveVehicle.xml” for exemple
    I hope get a reply and thanks a lot.

  • Konstantinos-Katsaros started the forum topic Using Winner Models in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 3 months ago · View

    Hi all, I’m new in this community. I downloaded the iTetris platform in order to use the propagation models that you implemented. I have developed my own routing protocol on ns-3 for urban VANETs. I want to use the V2V urban propagation model for a 5×5 grid network. I haven’t used the complete iTetris platform. [...]

  • Konstantinos-Katsaros joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 3 months ago · View

  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 3 months ago · View

    when I read about how Itetris wwork I saw that for making an application ”I want to make communication between vehicles a simple echo application” I must do an application module but I don’t know how to do it, so any advices or documentation is appreciated.
    thank you and have good one

  • Josef-Jiru joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 3 months ago · View

  • Hammi-Badis posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 4 months ago · View

    Hi members,
    I want to install ITETRIS, so I installed Sumo and NS3, after that I Installed ICS, all works well: configure, make and install, but after that when I try to patch ns3 it shows lot of fails and when I try to do ./waf install it fails.
    any help is appreciated

  • Hammi-Badis joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 4 months ago · View

  • Dennis-Sluijsmans posted on the forum topic [facilities] ERROR: The loaded map does not contain any lane! in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 5 months ago · View

    For those facing the same problem, the error is due a wrong (sumo net) map file in the facilities-config-file.xml.

  • Henry-Hsu joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 5 months ago · View

  • Muhammad-Arafat started the forum topic A question about SUMO in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View


    Could you please help me finding an answer for the following:
    “Can SUMO outputs the emissions & fuel consumptions for a SPECIFIC vehicle on the map??”

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      Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 6 months ago

      Just found an answer.

      through the TraCi command: ”TraCI/Vehicle Value Retrieval”, we can get those info for a specific vehicle, using its id…

      please, if somebody knows better, it is more than appreciated. :)

  • Muhammad-Arafat posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View

    Dear all,

    First I would like to thank Mr. Lukas Worle for his informative contributions. Actually I encountered the same problems when running the demo app and the solutions he provided worked.
    However, I’m still stuck with the problem of ”demoapp: not found”. I did the symbolic link (ln -s itscoopdemoapp demoapp) and changed the value of the executables in the application-config-file.xml to (demoapp -c itscoopdemoapp-config-file.xml) but still facing the same problem..

    Can anybody please help me??

    many thanks in advance,

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      Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 6 months ago

      I got it working. The workaround should be done in /usr/local/bin.

      Now I’m facing the same problem:

      STEP 8 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 100
      GeoRoutingProtocol: RouteOutput => geounicast
      UTILS: distance of neighbor 0 to destination = 13.1529
      UTILS: the min dist to dest = 13.1529 and is provided by node 0
      iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults()


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        Muhammad-Arafat · 13 years, 5 months ago


        I was able to run a ”demo” application on the environment. This ERROR: iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults() has been being produced because there is no result container class defined for ”OUTPUT_SET_SPEED_ADVICE_DEMO”, and this definition should be done in iCS side..

        Here’s what I did and I’m not sure it meant anything as an ITS Application, but it just makes sure that the environment is working..

        for other kind of errors, you can take a look at this post and the replies, they might be helpful:

        Now for the iCS –> [ERROR] ProcessApplicationResults(), do the following:

        in application-config-file.xml, use the following result container ”OUTPUT_SET_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED”

        in server.cpp, add before line 242 the following:
        v.speed =0;
        also in server.cpp, line 266, add ”4” before ”4 + 1 + 1” to represent the number of messages.
        also in server.cpp, line 287, 294 payload length is ”4” not ”10”

        in application-logic.cpp, uncomment line 137, and comment 138.

        now you can recompile and run iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml

        Best of Luck,

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          Mervat · 12 years, 6 months ago

          Hello Muhammad,

          I’ve tried this workaround, but it’s still giving me the same error. I even made a fresh make of the demo app, but still nothing. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

          Thanks in advance, your help on this is greatly appreciated!

  • Muhammad-Arafat joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 6 months ago · View

  • Pasquale-Cataldi joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 6 months ago · View

  • Pasquale-Cataldi posted on the forum topic [facilities] ERROR: The loaded map does not contain any lane! in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 6 months ago · View

    Hi Dennis, I will investigate this behavior. I tested the subscription with the Pasubio-Costa joined map and I have no such problems.
    Do you still get the same error?

  • Darya-Stepanova posted an update in the group Setup Support:   13 years, 7 months ago · View

    Hi, I am going to use iTetris platform but first I’d like to ask. Is it possible to install and run iTetris from Linux emulation environment(like Cygwin)
    Thank you in advance,
    best wishes,

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      Darya-Stepanova · 13 years, 7 months ago

      Hi again,
      I’ve got an answer already, thanks.
      Here it is:
      it is true that we have not tried to use iTETRIS platform in a Linux emulation environment. Nevertheless, we think that there will not be any problem.

  • Darya-Stepanova joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 7 months ago · View

  • Ellen-Grumert joined the group Setup Support   13 years, 7 months ago · View

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