Wenlong Zong @wzong ?

active 7 years, 9 months ago
  • Wenlong Zong started the forum topic How to use he Virtual Machine? in the group Setup Support:   7 years, 10 months ago · View

    community-lteDemo-bis run error Loading configuration… done. ***Starting server on port 5500 *** Loading net-file from ‘./TestNetwork/droomdorp.net.xml’… Error: Attribute ‘speed’ is missing in definition of lane ‘:xp1_0_0′. Error: Attribute ‘speed’ is missing in definition of lane ‘:xp1_1_0′. Error: Attribute ‘speed’ is missing in definition of lane ‘:xp1_2_0′. Error: Attribute ‘speed’ is missing in definition of lane [...]

  • Wenlong Zong posted an update in the group Setup Support:   7 years, 10 months ago · View

    How to use he Virtual Machine? Is there any document? What’s the root password

  • Wenlong Zong joined the group iTetris Custom Application Development   7 years, 10 months ago · View

  • Wenlong Zong joined the group Setup Support   7 years, 10 months ago · View